Thursday, September 3, 2009

EcoBroker Realtors

Green Realtors

An Eco Green Realtor is a green professional that is certified as an EcoBroker®. Specializing in green building, we assist home buyers make smart decisions in choosing a healthy and environmentally friendly home. An EcoBroker also guide sellers in marketing the green or greenable aspects of their property.

I believe that living greener isn't just healthy for us, our families and our communities that we inhabit but for our planet. If that's not convincing enough, greening your home can also save you money.

The so-called green movement has sprouted a fresh crop of lawsuits: greenwashing claims, in which companies are getting sued for making bogus eco-friendly statements about their products. Realtor's should also be careful when stating their listings and claiming they are energy efficient without really knowing what those words mean. Greenwashing is more prominent in areas where there are little or no professionals that can point out the false claims landing them in greenwashing litigation this is a hot area of false advertising. Making sure that the claims are correct by proving it with scientific evidence is key.

An Energy Efficient Certified home have the ability to save residents money on utility bills and their potential to help reduce health problems like asthma, green homes in many ways are best-suited to those making less than an area's median income.

Robert Ivy, McGraw-Hill's vice president and editorial director, said the data show green homes as a bright spot in a tough housing market.

"Green homes are a shining area of growth in new housing construction," he said. "The housing market is literally, statistically, on the verge of a tipping point."

Do you know what makes a green home?

A green home incorporates smart design, technology, construction and maintenance elements to significantly lessen the negative impact of the home on the environment and improve the health of the people who live inside. No matter your location or living situation, the opportunities for living a greener life at home are limited only by your imagination.

Going Green 101

Living a greener life and making your home a greener place is a commitment to yourself, your family, your community and the planet. Going green is a learning process. As new technologies, products and scientific breakthroughs constantly emerge, staying educated on the how's as well as the why's - of maintaining a green home is the best way to ensure your efforts are as effective and beneficial as possible. That's why consulting with an Eco-Broker Realtor or green consultant can better your chances in your greener life.

Besides the health and environmental benefits of living in a green home, many local and state governments, utility companies and other entities across the country offer rebates, tax breaks and other incentives for adding eco-friendly elements to your home. These incentives are available for new and green remodels.

The City of Tallahassee, FL Utilities has many Energy Smart Plus savings programs designed to help their customers save energy and money as well to protect and improve our environment.

For Example:

Ceiling Insulation 80 Percent Grant -This program pays 80% of installation costs up to a maximum City contribution of $400.

ENERGY STAR Refrigerators -- $75 Rebate

ENERGY STAR Freezers -- $40 Rebate

ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers -- $100 Rebate

Central Air Conditioner - $100 or $350 Rebate

Central Heat Pump - $100 or $350 Rebate

$450 Solar Domestic Water Heating Rebate

Valdosta, GA as well provides their customers with valuable incentives to improve the energy consumption of their customers and help them save money.

So, where is our local utility company in all this?
sources: various

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